IT Support, Cyber Security, Northampton, PA
As the leading IT support cyber security company in Northampton, PA, our Simply IT project planners, technicians, and networking experts entertain hundreds of inquiries from business owners about the technical and financial benefits of hiring an IT consultant. They are curious about the perks that third-party tech support, service delivery, and computer networking security can provide them versus recruiting an in-house IT department or retraining existing employees. We always tell them that if they want dedicated and experienced professionals protecting their business, they should seek help from an independent third party.
According to cyber security research, more than half of all cyber crimes now target small to mid-sized businesses (SMBs) with an e-commerce component. The initial cost of a successful malware attack is around $2.5 million, and damages compound as customers lose trust in the company’s brand and the reliability of their service. Cyber attacks cause the United States to lose around $6 trillion in commercial output annually, about 1% of the global gross domestic product, with thousands of SMBs as casualties.
High-Quality IT Support and Cyber Security in Northampton, PA
Employee retention, staffing costs, and IT expenditures are three of the most critical factors that affect the performance of SMBs. According to data from HubSpot, retraining an existing employee for a cyber security or IT support job can cost an employer to increase their annual pay up to 150%. Moreover, IT-trained professionals are in demand, and turnover rates are high, indicating that SMB workers often seek employment from big box brands that can offer higher compensation.
Protecting your business with a third-party IT support and cyber security firm can give you unrivaled computer networking security without the drawbacks of creating a new in-house IT department. Every IT consultant and network administrator at Simply IT has years of experience managing websites, e-commerce platforms, and commercial versions of operating systems.
IT Consultant Providing Network Security for Northampton, PA, Businesses
Northampton, PA, is a residential community just 8 miles north of our headquarters in Allentown, making it accessible to our technicians and project planners. It has a total area of 2.64 miles, sharing a population of over 860,000 residents with Lehigh Valley, now the 68th most populous MSA in America. It once had sizeable limestone deposits, making it a high-value operational center of the Atlas Portland Cement Company in the early 1900s.
At Simply IT, we help commercial operators minimize operating costs and improve service quality with first-rate IT support and cyber security services. Contact us at 484-221-6199 for a free consultation.